Wajãpi special

Coverage of the Indigenous Wajãpi Land invasion and attack's case

A barbaric crime!

A chief of the Wajãpi people, who suffered so much at the hands of non-Indiagenous, reaching near extinction twice, was a victim of a deadly attack by a man, supposedly a illegal miner, that invaded the Wajãpi Indigenous Land and committed a very brutal and violent. With stabs, he killed and pierced many body parts of the Indigenous leadership.

Coincidental or not, the attack took place in the very same day that President Jair Bolsonaro the defended the release of indigenous lands to mining companies.

Media NINJA is following the case and all its developments, demanding a serious, committed and true investigation, as well as the safety of the other Wajãpi Indigenous who live in times of terror.

Check out all stories and videos about the case in this special report.

Art: Cris Vector / Design Ativista



Apina’s third note on invasion of the Wajãpi Indigenous Land

  We, members of the Wajãpi Village Council, would like to share new information about what is happening in our Indigenous Land and ask once again for support from either the Federal Police or the Army to ensure the safety of the Wajãpi people. Yesterday (07/30/19), we received a visit from Senator Randolfe Rodrigues during […]

2nd note from the APINA on the invasion of the Wajãpi indigenous land

  We, the members of the Wajãpi – Apina Village Council wish to disclose the information we have today, July 29, 2019, regarding the invasion occurred in the Wajãpi Indigenous Land. Last Sunday, July 28, 2019, police teams arrived at Mariry Village in the early...
