They killed a warrior, executed Marielle Franco!
Marielle’s acts were always in deffense of black and peripheric people, was elected with 46.502 votes in 2016 with a speech that claimed the fight against the opression and racism.
The 5th better voted legislator of Rio de Janeiro had just left a debate and was going to her house in Tijuca, when the car that she was in was surprised with two armed men that unloaded their bullets in the car where Marielle traveled.
Sunday, Marielle denounced a 41st Military Police Batallion (Irajá) action in Acari Favela. According to her, the neighbors complained about the violence that the police used to approach them. She shared a publication denouncing the founding of young bodies in a ditch. According to the residents, last saturday, police officers raided houses,took id pictures and terrified where they went.
“We need to scream so everybody be aware of what is happening in Acari right now. The 41st Military Police batallion of Rio de Janeiro is terrifying and violating the residents in Acari. This week two young men were killed and dumped in a ditch. Today the Police walke through the streets threatening the residents. It happens always since the intervention – militarization of safety – and worse.” Wrote Marielle.
Contacted by DIA, Military Police confirmed that performed an operation on the neighborhood yesterday, but no confirmation of the deaths and didn’t expressed themselves about the complaints. “Military Police 4th batallion (Irajá) second command, on saturday morning, batallion military officers acted in Acari, North of Rio. During the action officers were receive with bullets, following a confontation and lately in an area search were found 40 perfume bottles, 64 kilos of white powder – make up – and 1050 bottles of loló fragance. The event was guided to be registeres on the 39th DP (Pavuna)” said the bulletin.
Marielle’s acts were always in deffense of black and peripheric people, was elected with 46.502 votes in 2016 with a speech that claimed the fight against the opression and racism. In a campaign video affirmed: “I claim my origins in the favela to make politics in a different way”. Two days ago she published in her Twitter account “How many more will have to die to this war come to an end?”.
Today several acts will take place in her honor around the world: http://bit.ly/2FMfnFO