Lula: I am an idea. And ideas do not die
In a vigil since last Thursday at ABC Metalworkers’ Union, Lula participated in an act in honor of the deceased Mrs. Marisa and in defense of his freedom. Former president must present himself to the Federal Police today.
Thousands of people spent the night in front of the ABC Metalworkers’ Union, where Lula has been since Thursday, to provide solidarity and form a cordon of protection for the former president. During the dawn, several caravans from all over Brazil arrived at the place.
Photo: Francisco Proner/ Farpa Fotocoletivo
Since Friday afternoon, when he refused to appear in the Federal Police to turn himself in, Lula and his lawyers tried to negotiate with the accusers.
Around 11am on this Saturday (07), Lula left the union building and went to the sound truck, starting the Mass in celebration of Mrs. Marisa’s birthday, which would turn 68 today.
Photo: Sheyden Afroindígena/ Mídia NINJA
Photo: Mídia NINJA
At the same time, the Supreme Court, minister Edson Fachin rejected the appeal made by Lula’s lawyers, maintaining the decision of Thursday not to grant Habeas Corpus.
The ecumenical act was celebrated by Archbishop Angelico Sândalo Bernardinho and also had participation of other religious leaders.
Throughout the mass, the present crowd shouted in chorus: “Do not surrender”, asking Lula to not present himself to the Federal Police.
Dilma Rousseff, Celso Amorim, Eduardo Suplicy, Manuela D’Avila, Guilherme Boulos, Fernando Haddad, among others, stayed with Lula in the sound truck during the mass celebration. Artists such as actors Osmar Prado, Aílton Graça and the Paraguayan singer Aíla, also remained in the sound car with the former president.
The mass was accompanied by songs sung live by Tulipa Ruiz, Aíla, Fióti and others. The songs were chosen by Lula himself, who put in the repertoire part of First Lady Mrs. Marisa’s favorites.
Lula began by welcoming the leaders of the movements and their political allies, including Guilherme Boulos and Manuela D’Avila, pre-candidates for the presidency by PSOL and PCdoB, respectively. For Dilma Rouseff, he stated: “The most wronged woman who dared to do politics in this country”.
Photo: Mídia NINJA
Photo: Mídia NINJA
He also greeted and thanked the ABC Metalworkers’ Union for giving up the space and giving all the support so that this mobilization is possible: “I was born here in this union. When I got here, this union was a shack. And I wanted these people to know that part of the achievements of Brazilian democracy we owe to this metalworkers’ union from 1978 on, “he said.
Thousands of people crowded the streets around the union. Among the crowd, familiar faces like Vanderlei Luxemburg’s could be seen.
On the indictment, Lula stated: “I believe in Justice and I am not above the law. But I believe in a true justice, based on the proceedings. I can not admit lies and a ppt presentation as justice.” The former president also pointed out how much the injustice he is undergoing has brought him closer to the people and strengthened his relationship with the Brazilians. Concerning his accusers, he said: “They lied in my trial and I say with certainty: none of them sleeps with a clear conscience as I sleep with my innocence.”
He also criticized the involvement of the mass media in the prosecution of the coup and his conviction. He said that he told Moro: “You can not absolve me because Globo is demanding that you condemn me and you will condemn me.”
He was incisive of pointing out how grateful he was to see all those people there and for all the solidarity he has received: “I have no place in my heart for everyone, but if there is one thing I have learned is to like my relationship with the people”. He also made it clear that he will not stop:
“I will not stop, because I am no longer a human being. I’m an idea. An idea mixed with your idea.”
The ex-president’s speech ended at 1 pm, with the confirmation that he will turn himself to the Federal Police: “I go with my head held high and I’m going to get out of there with my chest inflated, because I will prove my innocence.” In the end, he was cheered by the crowd shouting “Lula, warrior of the Brazilian people”.
He stepped out of the sound truck and was carried by the crowd, hand in hand, back into the union building, while the artists sang the song “Apesar de Você,” written during the military dictatorship by Chico Buarque.
Photo: Francisco Proner/ Farpa Fotocoletivo